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National Bureau of StandarG5|,,.,. Library, E-01 Admin. Bldg. AlllQM TlSTMfi. NBS HANDBOOK lOO-Z. Specifications and Tolerances for Reference Standard. This handbook classifies volumetric flasks with graduated necks and graduated cylinders (see Figures 1 to 4) for legal metrology applications as "field Application This regulation shall apply to all classes of devices and / or equipment as covered in National Institute of Standards and Technology Handbookstolerances are needed, see the ASTM references. 1.2. Retroactivity. This handbook applies to new field standard volumetric flasks and graduated cylinders HB · NVLAP Voting System Testing · NVLAP Cryptographic and Security Testing · National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program: Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry
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