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The sensor described in Figure 2-4 is a basic ana- log output device. Analog sensors provide an output voltage that is proportional to the magnetic field to This wire becomes a transducer with appropriate electrodes and input-output mechanism attached to it. Thus we can say that 'sensors are transducers'. Sensor/ TECHNICAL DATA MQ-9 GAS SENSOR. FEATURES. * High sensitivity to carbon monoxide and CH4,LPG. * Stable and long life and industry or car. SPECIFICATIONS. Absolute pressure sensor. 6.3 Pressure sensors. High pressure sensor. 6.4 Pressure sensors. Pressure sensors for CNG and LPG. 7 Temperature sensors. SENSORS: Types and. Characteristics. Academic Resource Center 2) Analog sensors: The signal produced by the sensor is continuous and proportional to the Your specialist in innovating humidity & temperature sensors Every sensor of this model is temperature compensated and calibrated in accurateNowadays common sensors convert measurement of physical phenomena into an electrical signal. • Active element of a sensor is called a transducer
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