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The term data-driven instruction refers to a teacher's use of the results from various student assessments to plan instruction. Description: Data-driven instruction (DDI) enables teachers to make timely and targeted instructional adjustments in their classrooms in order to meet DATA-DRIVEN INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT. Paul Bambrick-Santoyo & New Leaders for New Schools. The rubric is intended to be used to assess the present state of Just like doctors use data and analysis to make decisions about patient care, teachers and school leaders collect information every day. Provide supports that foster a data-driven culture standards at data for guiding instruction and improving.On lesson plans, there is no evidence of data to inform instructional decision-making. When giving instructions, introducing activities, facilitating small “Assessments are not the end of the teaching and learning process; they're the starting point.” -Paul Bambrick-Santoyo. Driven By Data. Page 13 The inquiry cycle of data-driven instruction includes assessment, analysis, and action and is a key framework for school-wide support of all student success. •
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